Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bolivia? What are we thinking?

Our story:
Early in marriage, we prayed that God would lead us into full-time service together. Chris has dreamed of developing a ministry that combines education and outdoor adventures to disciple young people. Lynnie, though passionate about raising two (nearly three) kids, has kept alive her longing for cross-cultural ministries. Not knowing how our desires matched God’s plan, we sought guidance through prayer. Through a Bible study with some good friends based on David Platt’s book, Radical, we looked deeply at how we could better serve our own community as well as the immense needs around the globe. Shortly thereafter, some friends of ours currently serving in Paraguay invited us to contact SIM (a Christian international sending organization) to see if our gifts, skills, and passions would be a good match. It took us most of a year to finish the application process as we evaluated the idea of moving our family overseas, specifically in regard to safety and leaving family. In the end, however, God led us each to Peter’s encounter with Jesus in John 6:67-8. Jesus asked his disciples, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” Peter replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go?” For us, our response is the same: Where else can we go but to Jesus? Following God’s will does not guarantee the safest or most comfortable life, but it does lead to His best for us. Because you have had a significant impact on our lives, we want to invite you to be a part of this journey. We greatly value your prayers and support as we respond to this calling God has placed on our lives.  

To Bolivia:
We knew God was leading us into missions, we didn’t know where. After attending a conference at SIM USA headquarters, we realized the tremendous need for teachers all around the world. By mulling over our passions and skills we surmised that we have a heart for building lasting relationships, responding to existing needs, and we both have master’s degrees in teaching. It was hard to deny that we were equipped and experienced for this role. God continued to open doors with a small school in Bolivia eventually tugging at our hearts. Carachipampa Christian School is an international school that services missionary children and Bolivians near Cochabamba, Bolivia. The more we learned about this opportunity, the more excited we became about responding to CCS’s huge teacher shortage. 

Dozens of missionaries in the area count on this school to provide quality education for their children so they can continue service to the people groups around them.  Many Bolivian families also desire to have their children attend CCS because of its reputable instruction and caring staff. Unlike public schools, teachers are free to discuss faith in Jesus and help the next generation of leaders grow in their relationship with Christ. Chris will be filling a vacant position in the elementary, and Carolyn (Lynnie) plans to teach English after our children have reached school-age.  We hope to be serving in Bolivia for the 2015-16 school year. Please pray for us and look for more updates ahead!  

· Our family’s transition into a new culture and language
· Saying goodbye to family and friends
· Raising needed financial support along with 400 prayer partners
· Effective ministry opportunities at school and in local Bolivian community