Saturday, November 23, 2013

Coral Joy

Our sweet baby girl arrived on Monday, November 18th, 2013, weighing 8lbs 4oz and measuring 20¼ inches long. While we were elated at first, our joy quickly turned to alarm. Most newborn babies have a pulse ranging from 120-160 beats per minute.  Coral’s heart rate was ranging from 70 to 100.  The doctors and nurses were concerned that this might be an indication of something serious.When we began to panic, many of our friends and family members committed to praying for Coral, while others watched our kids and took time off work to help us out. After two EKGs, one x-ray, and a trip to the cardiologist in Syracuse, we are thrilled to say that her heart rate is increasing. According to the cardiologist, there is no problem. She is a perfectly normal little girl. God has blessed Chris with a job that will allow him to take a few more days off from work that will allow him to help Lynnie as she learns to care for two active boys and a thriving infant. Through it all we experienced what true Christian community is like; in short, we felt overwhelming support. We need to thank everyone who prayed, including those from Lifespring, E-Free, Lakewood Baptist, and Christ Community.

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