Monday, March 17, 2014

So what's happening?

Life is in full swing in the Clark home. While we are busy support-raising and traveling most weekends, we still try to make family time a priority.

Glacier is finishing his first season of Upward basketball, and Chris even got in on the action! (picture on right). Glacier is also excited to have lost his first two teeth. He worked hard to pull the second one out at school so he could carry it home in a sweet little tooth case from the nurse. Glacier also recently received a remote controlled helicopter from Uncle Tim and Aunt Te-te (Sarah). It instantaneously became his new favorite pastime and he's not bad. After maneuvering a tricky landing last week, he looked back at us for acknowledgment. When our clapping stopped he replied, "now if we only had more people here, there would be more clapping." So much for raising a humble child!

Canyon just celebrated his third birthday and was overjoyed to have two parties - one with each side of the family. The boys were in awe when I took them to a party store in Binghamton, NY. They could hardly contain themselves as they feasted their eyes on every party décor and favor imaginable. We ended up leaving with two sets of supplies for a "Buzz Lightyear party" and a "Dusty plane party." I have since concluded that one party is definitely enough for this momma. Nevertheless Canyon is a cutie flying around in his Buzz Lightyear garb shouting "to infibity and beyond!"

Coral is our "precious whittle angel" as Canyon likes to say. She is quick to give you a winning smile as long as her mood is pleasant. On the flip-side, though, she knows how to wail with the best of 'em. All my boys, Chris included, have those big ear protectors you use for mowing the lawn...except they wear them in the car when Coral is screaming. Her favorite moment to make her presence known seems to be during our Bolivia appointments. Thank God our friends have patience! A lot of people have asked me about her newest thing. As a four month-old, she pretty much just hangs out, discovering the world through touch. Among her favorite textures is daddy's hair. She coos in delight when her little fingers rub against it. It is a terrific tactile experience if I do say so myself. :)

If we are not traveling, you'll most likely find us in the sugar shack this month. Our uncle and family friends who spearhead the operation are overly fond of catering to my boys' sweet tooth. But I can hardly blame my sons when they ask for "just a tad bit more." The smell of the sap boiling into sweet maple syrup is simply intoxicating. It keeps us all going back for more!

We are welcoming the blue skies of spring with open arms and embracing a season of spiritual growth as well. We are so grateful for those who have encouraged us in this new phase of life as we prepare for our journey to Bolivia.

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