Sunday, May 8, 2016

Taking Bolivia home

I had just finished mopping the floor when Glacier, Canyon, and their buddies Caleb and Sammy burst in like a whirlwind. I tried to hide my irritation over the footprints on the floor as I welcomed them home from school. As I shut the door, I noticed it looked unusually stormy outside. Every day in Bolivia is bright and sunny (there was a drought this year during the rainy season, so any rain seemed rare). I walked outside to gaze at the gray skies and feel the glorious drop in temperature. Then it began to downpour - not rain, but hail the size of marbles! The kids, especially our Bolivian friends who don't even experience snow, were amazed. They ran outside and then back in immediately when they felt the sting. But the experience was so new and unusual they couldn't help themselves. They ran outside with one hand over their heads and the other they used to frantically scoop up as much ice as they could. I wish I had my camera (which was in Chris' class at the moment) because I was laughing my head off. Forgetting my sparkling floors, I grabbed a pot for the boys to collect their prizes and watched them dart in and out with squeals of delight. The hail storm was short lived, but an unforgettable moment nonetheless. After debating whether or not to store the hail in the freezer, they finally voted to throw it on the trampoline and make it "snow" again. It was a beautiful sight to see the pure happiness come out of my boys and their Bolivian buddies as they sang, "It's snowing, It's another Christmas, It's so awesome!" I am so glad my floor got muddy that day. 

Moments like this are what we are taking home with us as we return to the U.S. Ultimately it's the people and the friendships that we will remember most mixed with a rare hail storm to cement it in our hearts. 

Picture Caption: A glimpse of the hail storm from Chris' classroom

Significant or are few things we will miss about Bolivia:

Chris: pick-up soccer on the cancha (soccer field); my hard-working CCS students; trips to the Quechua villages with Bolivian friend, Ruben, language school with our amazing teachers/friends, petting real monkeys in the wild at Parque Machia 

Picture caption: Chris getting to know a Quechua man on his first visit to the mountains.

Lynnie: the beautiful mountains (and using them to pinpoint "North" wherever I am in the city!); api (a wonderful hot drink made from ground purple corn...even in a hot country, it always reminds me of a NY fall); Saturday kids club and the adorable little faces of the 2 and 3 year old beauties in my class (pictured to the right); my missionary friend Timara; my Bolivian friend Shirley

Glacier: Sole Mios (an Italian pizza place we found in Bolivia. Last time we were there Glace remarked, "I just had the happiest bite of my life!"); best Bolivian friends Caleb and Sammy (pictured to the right); CCS Field Days and Camp Week

Canyon: Hotel Victoria (his favorite vacation spot in the jungle that has a water slide and coconuts right from the tree); friends Jaran and Enoch; his Pre-K teacher, Miss Almanza. 

 Picture caption: There is nothing safe about this method of coconut harvesting. Do not attempt at home! :) 

Coral: Bolivian friend, Hannah (4th grader pictured to the right) who always brings a little bouncy ball for Coral to play with after church; friend Zolah (3 yrs) at the SIM guest house; friend Katelyn (2nd grader) who always gives Coral special attention. Also, Coral loves to find the Cristo (giant statue of Christ) when we are traveling in the city and she makes sure everyone knows she has found it!

There are many people and memories that will continue to come to our minds even after we leave. We are so thankful for this experience and how God has worked in all of our hearts through this journey. 

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